Vulnerability & P l a c e

The identities in my work which emerge as either children or adult figures, express themselves through intimate environments that unveil their vulnerability as they dialogue with scarring memories that may justify the fortification of invulnerability, which I refer to as the 'shelter of secrecy'. The depiction of childlike figures is particularly interesting to me as it recalls the fearless quality associated with vulnerability which is most clearly expressed and observed in childlike subjects. Comprehensively, these paintings endeavor to unveil real life occurrences of wounded-ness, contrasting them with childlike memories of innocence, establishing each being in multilayered at times surrealistic environments that serve to dialogue with vulnerability, clarify identity and pave a path towards healing.

Nearness Diptych

Oil on canvas, 24in x 36in | 20in x 24in

The Secret Place

Acrylic on canvas, 29in x 55in

Love Letter

Oil on canvas, 24in x 36in

By the Streams

Oil on canvas, 24in x 36in


Beyond Slumber

Oil on canvas, 24in x 36in